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an ivf journey with doors wide open.
Erin Bulcao
Sep 15, 20208 min read
We are both expecting even though it looks different - Q&A with Alex from @Wheneverybodymatters
Expecting a baby doesn't have to look the same for everyone. In fact, it almost never looks the exact same way. And because of this I...
Erin Bulcao
Aug 6, 20205 min read
Why IVF v IUI (the second time around)
So many of you have asked me why I chose to jump into IVF rather than attempt and IUI when we started trying again in 2017. Clearly we...
Erin Bulcao
Jul 21, 20206 min read
Verbal abuse is also Abuse
This is something that I have been hesitant to write about. It's very personal, it's related to infertility but it's also not. It broke...
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